and education

Oliba supports public and private organizations with highly effective written, verbal, and visual communication strategies that are tailored to the client’s communication goals and target audiences, to inform and positively influence decisions and actions to improve healthcare.

The Oliba team is committed to designing, implementing, coordinating and managing all activities around content development, tools acquisition, and networking required for effective healthcare communication. Using a data-driven, evidence-based approach, Oliba delivers engaging communication campaigns in all areas of healthcare to inform, educate and empower healthcare professionals, patients and the general public.

Experts at Oliba draw on their extensive experience in Health Marketing, comprising traditional marketing theories and principles, and science-based strategies, and apply it to disease prevention, health promotion, and health protection.

Health Marketing provides a framework of theories, strategies, and techniques that Oliba uses to guide work in research, healthcare, wellbeing interventions, and communication campaigns.

Oliba provides specialist scientific writing services, including:

  1. Expertise in scientific writing: scientific writing is a specialized skill that requires a thorough understanding of the research process, scientific conventions, and effective communication. The expert scientific writers at Oliba have the knowledge and experience needed to produce a range of high-quality documents, including scientific manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals

  2. Access to latest research: Oliba’s specialist scientific writers keep up-to-date with the latest developments in healthcare and have the skills to extract the most pertinent information from a wide range of scientific literature. This enables them to provide clients with current and relevant information for their required documentation

  3. Improved clarity and structure: our expert scientific writers can help clients to structure their documents in a logical and clear manner, ensuring that the content is easy to read and understand. Applying this process during the development of scientific manuscripts increases the likelihood of acceptance by peer-reviewed journals

  4. Customized services: the scientific writing services provided by Oliba are customized to meet the unique needs of each client, and include writing services for grant proposals, conference abstracts, review articles, and websites

Specialist scientific writing services

Digital and in-person events organized by Oliba offer unique opportunities for professionals in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotech sectors to network, learn about the latest developments, and collaborate with peers.

These events can be structured separately or in combination, according to client need, to achieve specific goals.


Digital Events:

Digital events are becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotech sectors due to their accessibility and flexibility. Oliba arranges digital events in many forms, including webinars, virtual conferences, and online training sessions.


In-person Events:

In-person events have been a staple of the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries for many years. Oliba has extensive experience in arranging in-person events, such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and trade shows.

Digital and in-person events

digital and in-person events

Oliba organizes seminars, workshops, and training programs to enable the continuing development of professionals in the healthcare, pharma, and biotech sectors.

These events take many forms, each offering a unique set of benefits and advantages, and are adapted to the needs and goals of the client.

Oliba develops seminars that offer in-depth learning and interaction opportunities, workshops that provide practical experience and skills building, and training programs that address specific educational requirements and lead to certifications.

Seminars, workshops, and training programs

seminars workshops and training programs

Project case | Pfizer

Oliba created Prevention Trainer, a web information platform aimed at empowering individuals to recognize the risk factors for developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and providing advice on how to take steps to reduce the chances of developing health problems.

This is a virtual information platform, designed and implemented by Oliba, with an innovative, user-friendly interface and tools to empower patients and engage them in a virtual community.

The objective of this tool was to address the challenge of prevention and continuity of care for the community by implementing a comprehensive, free, and non-profit web platform to empower patients to increase self-management of risk factors for NCDs.

Project case

Mental Health / Lundbeck

Oliba supported Lundbeck in creating informative, evidence-based content to increase awareness of mental health issues.

Oliba engaged in the World Mental Health Day 2022 to discuss an easy-to-understand and accessible approach to representing the underestimated burden of mental diseases, including existing strategies to address patient care.

Project case

High impact, high quality publications

Project case

Webinar VTE / Viatris

Oliba organized a webinar aimed at providing healthcare professionals, including cardiovascular intensive care unit managers, intensive care specialists, internists, geriatricians, diabetologists, oncologists, cardiologists, and Emergency Room managers, with an up-to-date perspective on the primary and secondary prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE).

The objective of this educational webinar was to increase awareness and prevention of VTE, with a focus on hospitalized patients at risk for VTE, as 55-60% of VTE cases occur during or following hospitalization, and up to 10% of deaths in hospital are due to pulmonary embolism.

The project included a survey on unmet needs and gaps in clinical practice for prophylaxis and management of VTE in hospitalized patients.

The survey was submitted to the target audience, and the information gathered was used to create a scientific publication for a peer-reviewed journal.

Project case

Iperkaliemia / AstraZeneca

Oliba organized a multidisciplinary scientific roundtable meeting to discuss methods to optimize the management of patients with hyperkalemia, a serious condition in which potassium levels in the blood are above the normal range.

This meeting comprised clinicians, healthcare managers, and patients, who discussed strategies to improve and personalize the treatment for and management of patients with this condition, in the context of economic sustainability for the national healthcare system.

Project case

GP COVID platform | Pfizer

Oliba developed an online training platform for general practitioners to instruct them on the latest evidence on the management of patients with COVID-19 symptoms.

Oliba involved top experts in the creation of training in several clinical domains, including:

  • General screening and assessment of COVID-19 symptoms
  • Symptom management
  • Epidemiology of COVID-19
  • Assessment and management of comorbidities and multimorbidity in patients with COVID-19
  • COVID-19 in children and adolescents
  • Patient perspectives and psychological support
  • Prevention of COVID-19
  • Assessment, monitoring and treatment of persistent symptoms and post-COVID-19 syndrome


To maximize the interactive approach and to support the learning process, Oliba created a regular bulletin on scientific developments, and researched, collected and made available articles, institutional documents, scientific resources, and links to key online resources.